I decided to start this blog to give me a place to record my thoughts about conceiving again. J and I have known each other for almost ten years. We've been together for going on seven years, and have been married for right at two. I have a fifteen year old son that was the product of a failed marriage in my very early twenties that J has adopted. All in all we have a very happy, if somewhat loud family of three.
Except J and I have always felt like there should be more of us.
Right at two years ago I decided to go off from birth control. We knew that we didn't want to conceive right away as we wanted to be financially more secure and also have time for all of the chemicals and junk to leave my body. In the time that has passed since then we have taken steps, in a very unscientific way, to keep from getting pregnant. I've kept a "sort of eye' on the calendar, we've pulled out or abstained during the times that we thought I was most likely to be fertile.
Last April I went in for my yearly physical; the doctor reminded me that I am not getting any younger. I'll be 36 in September, J will be 43 in December. Time is running slim. She recommended that I begin tracking my basal temperatures as well as getting set up with an OB-GYN. I've always used her for exams and whatnot, but she felt that if I did get pregnant, it would be better to have a relationship with a doctor rather than to have to find one. I began temping about half way though May and have been doing so since then.
It's fascinating, really. I had no idea that my body actually changed that much over the course of the month! The good news seems to be that I'm ovulating- I don't know if there's bad news yet. I went to my initial set up appointment last week with the OB, I loved her! She didn't seem too impressed with my temping. I kind of got the impression that she was more comfortable dealing with women once they had achieved pregnancy than whilst they are trying. She said that because I'm getting up there in years that she would feel more comfortable referring me to a fertility specialist. I was surprised and asked if she really thought that we were at that point yet. She said that we probably weren't, but the fact that I had been off birth control for so long and hadn't conveived conerned her.
I should probably also say that I don't think I really made it clear that we've been trying NOT to get pregnant until just last May. Oh well. Frankly, our timing hasn't been fabulous even since we have been trying. In May we managed to BD on -3 only. June it was a little better with -1, and in July (if Fertility Friend's ovulation calculator is correct) we BD'd on O day. Personally, I think July could very well have been anovulatory. At my age it is apparently advised to seek fertility counseling if conception isn't achieved within six months. The doctor set up our appointment with the fertility specialist for November 14th so I figure that by then, if I still haven't gotten pregnant we will be right at that six month period anyway.
SO. Here we go. In the midst of the greatest economic disaster that my generation has seen, during a period where my husband is unemployed (though with three interviews scheduled for next week hopefully not for long), I'm trying to get pregnant. Today was CD7, my cycles tend to be about 29 days long, with a luteal phase of between ten and fourteen days.
This is my journey.
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